Yet another report from my Sonoverse
It's been a good day. I've been working at home on the .... PhD. While trying to re-conciliate some odds and ends on where and how we start thinking about sound making I came across some really good and funny sources.
First of all, I remember going o various music hall and variety shows in the 1960's and onwards where, quite often, one of the acts would be the sound guy. This was normally some short funny stories where the performer created all the sound effects with his or her voice (or body) live, on stage. Part of the trick was the performers understanding of how to use or utilize the microphone [perspective] in relation to their voice and body.
While trying to find a written source on this topic, I found Fred Newman's book Mouthsounds, which I immediately ordered. Continuing to refine my search terms, I also found some very good examples on YouTube:
- Joe Saba
- Harry Potter sound f/x
- Amazing beat box
Listen and enjoy!