Friday, October 29, 2004

Still quite windy

and it is overcast, so far. Today, we’ll start with Rinnevalla Bay for our beach walk and dog swim, as the tide is now low around noon. Rinnevalla is probably one of the best places for beach finds, especially when the weather is rough. We had a lovely long walk all long the bay. Apart from all the usual seabirds we saw an Osprey, a very impressive creature!
Later on, in the afternoon, we found a new little stretch of beach just beside the village of Donaha. The tide was on its way in but Charlie had yet another go at swimming.

In the early evening I went up to Kilkee for some groceries and on my way back I saw the most extraordinary sunset I’ve ever seen in my life. In general it was overcast but out West it was clear. When the sun was starting to set, it suddenly appeared just between the cloud cover and an absolutely clear horizon. With the sun so low and bright, the shadows in the landscape grew really long and colours flamed.
Dinner this evening was Bouillabaisse.


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