Monday, July 25, 2005

Don't go to England!

So, with the new policicy of the Brits, we can't go to, or through, England. Many computer scientists in my generation have:
1. Long hair.
2. Beard.
3. Rucksack with laptop and a gazillion of electronic gadgets.
4. A haunted look in their eyes, as we're mentally preparing to present our excellent and clear thinking to some ignorant bastards somewhere.
If you look like this, you'll be shot in England.
Also, if you have a problem not being a native English speaker and with 3 people in civillian clothes running towards you with hand guns, looking like they'd like to kill you... yes, They probably will.
The only thing to do is to NOT go to Blair's Fascist England. I hope that one day, we'll have the equivalent of the Nurnberg trials, where Bush and Blair are sent to jail forever.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


ICAD2005 is done. I think it was a great success. I enjoyed it immensely, both intellectually and socially. I hope everybody else did as well.
This evening has been a really good wind-down for me. I sat outside in the garden until midnight, in just shorts and a shirt. The weather here right now is NOT typically Irish. It is more Mediterranean. But, we enjoy it while we have it.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Finally, we're rolling. the INternational Coneference on Auditory Display ICAD2005 is on the way. Delegates have started to arrive, our organisation is kicking in. I'm really looking forward to this week, but I hope I will have the energy to see it through. It is really fantastic that after more than one year of planning, people are finally arriving here to meet and discuss. Let the Good Times Roll.

Sunday, July 03, 2005


I love it. I’ve been laughing, crying, everything. If the young people, or all people, of today get the point, we can make a change. If we don’t there’s no hope. Not for you. Not for me. Not for your children, Not for anybody.
So, if you care, surf in to life8live and sign up.