Home - at last!
Yes! We got Mona home today. She’s convalescent for the next two months, then back to hospital for another test, and perhaps after that we’ll see what happens. In the meantime, it’s low-fibre diet gradually becoming high-fibre. I’ve been asking around, searching on-line, but there are very few credible sources that also could be considered practical. Anyhow, it’ll be scanning through all my cookbooks accompanied by a database of fibre mg/g for all foodstuffs. Dinner this evening turned out great: Japanese style teriyaki steamed salmon and (the right) vegetables and mashed potatoes. Beats the hospital food by a light year and a lot healthier.
Both our GP and I are quite unhappy with the lack of information provided by the hospital. In their release letter, they didn’t list what tests had been done, results, etc. Just an extremely brief diagnosis. How the hell do they think that the current model could work with division of labour and effectiveness by utilising distribution of load between primary and secondary care? On one hand, if you leave people in the dark they might not sue you; OTH, with the rights of the data protection act I think you, as a patient own your results. Also, if you provide people with full info, it might make it easier for them to adapt their life so that they can recover.
Still, a few walks down the field is probably better than walking the same hospital corridors each day. The photo below is Mona’s first dog-walk this afternoon.